What do you gift the woman who created you? Who’s nurtured and cared for you? Wiped tears, given you some tears…its tough one. In this package we have managed to craft some items that only Mom will enjoy and others which, she can share and will keep her out of the kitchen this Sunday. Our package includes:
*A beautiful bouquet of some of my favorite flowers combined with some local flowers: Casablanca lilies, roses, a dahlia or two etc.
*Bostock/ Almond French Toast (2)
*Lemon Tarts (2)
*1/2 Smoked Salmon or Vegetable Quiche
*Colorful Green Salad w/Oranges & Pomegranate
*Whole Roasted Herb Chicken w/Spiced American Sweet Potatoes
*A bottle of Sparkling Wine White or Rose (Veuve Ambal)
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